Do your work freely with our e-personal file

The main task of an HR department is to recruit and retain the most talented employees, as well as to keep a positive attitude and increase productivity among the existing staff.
e-personnel file is a service package for HR and personnel departments, encompassing a full range of processes associated with HR documentation.

e-personal file

It is an alternative to, and an equivalent of a conventional paper employee record, while being superior to it in terms of functionality. More than just an electronic version of employee records, it is also a solution for day to day management of HR paper documentation, monitoring its completeness and keeping track of its validity.
From small enterprises to multinational corporations, all businesses employ people and need to collect, store and process enormous amounts of documents related to employee recruitment and employment history.
We have designed e-personnel file for businesses of all sizes, because it can provide any company with immediate savings related to document control and administration and, while giving managers more time to focus on employees and their development.

Instant access to employee files

Working with e-personal file means: simple logging with no need to install any additional applications, a user-friendly interface, instant access to a full list of employee records, easy browsing, editing, printing or download of pdf files. Last but not least, it means elimination of costs related to server service and software purchase.


Easy implementation, secure management

We take care of every stage of the e-personal file management process. We prepare and scan documents, label them with indexes, and share them in an e-file, while retaining their order and division into parts A, B and C. Thanks to an extensive authorization system, only authorized users are allowed access to the e-personnel file.


Luminatus 2016 Award: Innovation as the Future of the Polish Economy>>
In 2016, Bloomberg Businessweek Polska weekly recognized the e-personal file from Libris with an award for the most innovative service.
In today’s world, everyone is expected to embrace innovation and new technologies. With the launch of our e-personal file, we provide HR teams with an advanced, tried and tested, secure tool for performing daily repeating tasks under regulatory requirements.



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